Homily for The Baptism of the Lord

Posted on 13th January, 2021

Homily for The Baptism of the Lord

10th January 2021

Fr. Ferdinand

Today's feast of the Baptism of the Lord marks a transition, a transition from Christmas Time to Ordinary Time. We are still in Christmas time; the crib and  the Christmas tree are still here. During Christmas time, we celebrate Jesus' birth. But not only that, we remember the flight to Egypt, the visit of the wise men and the revelation of Jesus as God's beloved son, during his baptism.

But tomorrow, the crib and the tree will be taken away, Christmas time will be over and Ordinary Time will start.

So, we heard in the reading that Jesus came down from Galilee and was baptised by John in the river Jordan. We might wonder: why did Jesus want to receive baptism? Did he need repentance? No. But by coming forward, willing to be baptised, he showed that he had become truly one of us, he put himself in the line of all the sinners.

For Jesus, his baptism was a moment that would mark the rest of his life. He heard a voice from heaven saying, "you are my beloved son".  That was a deep experience of being loved, of being treasured by his Heavenly Father.

And when the Holy Spirit, like a dove, descended on Jesus, he became aware of what the Father was calling him to: to bring the good news to the poor, to proclaim liberty to the captives and to heal the broken hearted.

And the same Spirit empowered Jesus, gave him the inner strength to start his mission.

So, for Jesus, his baptism was truly a moment of transition, from his life with Mary and Joseph in Nazareth, his hidden life, to his public life, of preaching and healing.

The Holy Spirit descended on Jesus like a dove. Like a dove: this comparison explains something about the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit empowered Jesus, yes, the Holy Spirit is a power, she is a power who can move mountains, but a gentle power! The Holy Spirit is not compared to a hawk or a bulldozer, but to a dove, the Spirit is a gentle power from God, guiding Jesus, guiding us and the whole of creation.

Today's feast of the Lord's baptism is also a day to reflect on our own baptism. Most of us will not remember our baptism because we were baptised as infants. It is good though, to reflect on our Baptism and to remember that what happened when Jesus was baptised, happens also when we are baptised: God's love is poured out over us and we too are empowered by the Holy Spirit to be witnesses of the Gospel.

How we need the Holy Spirit at this challenging time! We need the gentle power of the Spirit to persevere during the coming weeks...

We need the Spirit as well to distinguish the truth from lies, to distinguish well informed sources from fake news and hoaxes.

Above all we need the gentle power of the Spirit to continue to care for ourselves and for others, for we are all in the same boat. We have become aware more than ever, how much we need one another. Therefore, let us continue to care for one another!

At this time, an important way of caring is, when we are given the chance, to take the vaccine. This is a way to care for ourselves and for others.

Many people truly care, in so many ways, caring for the sick, sending a message or making a phone call to those who are alone, supporting families in need, acting responsibly. Let us continue to do so, with the power of the Spirit!

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love.

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